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  • Immotile Cilia Syndrome: Another term for primary ciliary dyskinesia.
  • Immunoglobulins: Proteins in the blood also known as antibodies. There are 5 major types of antibodies including IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD. Each antibody type has a specific and unique function in the immune system. IgG is the most abundant type in blood and is important in fighting certain types of infections. IgG can be purified from blood to make immunoglobulin products that can be transfused into others who are deficient.
  • In-Frame Mutation: A mutation that does not cause a shift in the triplet reading frame; such mutations can, however, lead to the synthesis of an abnormal protein product.
  • Infertility: Inability to produce children.
  • Insertion: A chromosome abnormality in which material from one chromosome is inserted into another nonhomologous chromosome; a mutation in which a segment of DNA is inserted into a gene or other segment of DNA, potentially disrupting the coding sequence.
  • Ion Channels: Ion channels are present in the membranes that surround all biological cells. By conducting and controlling the flow of ions, these pore-forming enzymes help establish the small negative voltage that all cells possess at rest (see cell potential). An ion channel is an integral membrane protein or more typically an assembly of several proteins. Such "multi-subunit" assemblies usually involve a circular arrangement of identical or related proteins closely packed around a water-filled pore. Ions move through the pore single file--nearly as fast as the ions move through free fluid. Access to the pore is governed by "gates," which may be opened or closed by chemical or electrical signals, or mechanical force, depending on the variety of channel.